NordicTB launched the #TravelmemoriesPoland social media campaign in collaboration with the Polish National Tourist Office, to create content about previous travels to Poland, aimed towards the Nordic market: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. The campaign was designed to showcase great travel memories, to keep Poland as a destination top of mind, without encouraging people to travel now. The #TravelmemoriesPoland campaign was a digital campaign only and involved no travels.
The campaign was conducted during December 2020 and consisted of blog posts, social media sharing, and separate social media postings about traveling to Poland.
Six Nordic influencers representing six different blogs wrote about their previous travels in Poland, sharing it as a great travel memory. All bloggers pitched an article idea based on the themes: Food, culture, nature experience, and city break. The bloggers had a minimum deliverance of one blog post + social media sharing of the post. In addition, they had to create a minimum of one (1) separate Facebook postings (photos), one (1) Instagram grid photo/video, and three (3) Facebook and/or Instagram stories with their best travel memories.
The country-specific blog posts can be accessed with the following links:
Linn Krogh Hansen – linnsreise.no
Janicke Hansen – letsgetlost.no
Sanna Rosell – sannarosell.se
Annika Myhre – resfredag.se
Bettina Arkanæs – danishadventurer.dk
Marlene Bak Cohr – hikemyheartout.com