Our Story
We cooperate and collaborate with clients, sponsors, and fellow collectives to create innovative marketing and re-branding campaigns for destinations, brands and companies.
Our Campaigns
We offer high quality content published through multiple social channels for our clients, and can help with your campaign planning at any stage.
Our Network
We have a NordicTB Extended Network of digital storytellers beyond our core influencers who can participate on various campaigns and collaborations as well.
Case studies and testimonials
Learn more about some of our campaigns and their social media reach.
Unique multimedia
High quality unique content – narrative storytelling, photography, and video
Live storytelling
Using tools such as Periscope to bring audiences along on our journeys.
Social media amplification
Using the latest social media tools to bring brand awareness
Our Storytellers
Our team of storytellers have been in the business for years and include award-winning writers, videographers, photographers, and public speakers. They have been selected based on criteria such as quality (first and foremost), specific niches, social media reach and the ability to work and collaborate in a team. Independently, they have contributed to various high profile brands such as CNN, BBC, National Geographic, The Guardian, Lonely Planet, Expedia, Skyscanner, and more.