
On October 7, NordicTB held a full-day blogging workshop in partnership with The Swedish Institute (SI). SI is the official governing body that helps Sweden reach various international goals concerning foreign policy, education, international aid and development. SI activities span various fields such as culture, society, research, higher education, business, innovation, democracy and global development.

study-in-swedenSI also runs Sweden’s official program dedicated to higher education in Sweden called Study In Sweden. The workshop was held to teach Study In Sweden‘s official digital ambassadors best practices of blogging, storytelling, and social media.

Topics discussed included:

  • Introduction to the basics of blogging
  • SEO & Optimization
  • The Anatomy of a Great Blog Post
  • Finding your own voice
  • Several hands-on team activities
  • Social media tips & tricks

The workshop was taught by NordicTB Sofia Zetterqvist and Co-Founder Lola Akinmade Åkerström.

Do get in touch with us if your organization or brand is interested in learning more about our workshops and presentations.