NordicTB is proud to announce that we have partnered with Vorarlberg Tourismus for a promotional collaboration. Over a 7 days trip from 11th to 17th of September four of our NordicTB influencers will explore the 6 holiday regions Kleinwalsertal, Bregenzerwald, Bodensee, Montafon, Alpenregion Bludenz and Lech zürs am Arlberg in Vorarlberg.
The bloggers will explore the regions through a fun road trip focusing on outdoors adventures, hiking, culinary experience and culture. Follow our influencers on the road trip by searching the hashtag #InVorarlberg across all social media platforms and get inspired to visit this stunning part of Austria for your next adventurous holiday break.
The travelling influencers going for the road trip are:
Denmark :
Sarah Green –
A culinary walk in the valley Kleinwalsertal in Austria
Walking the moors of Krumbach in Austria
A wild hike in the Montafon mountains in Austria
Janicke Hansen –
På biltur gjennom Vorarlberg i Østerrike
En runde golf i de Østerrikske alper
BUS:STOP Krumbach – Funksjonalitet møter arkitektur og kreativitet
Postkort fra Montafon – Østerrike
BUS:STOP Krumbach – Functionality meets arcitecture and creativity
Sofia Zetterqvist –
Nya eventyr: Roadtrip och vandring i Vorarlberg
Kulinarisk vandring blandt alpörter och molntussar i Kleinwalsertal
En vandring genom tre årstider i Montafondalen – Vorarlberg, Österrike
Ost, fisk och örter – tre matiga aktiviteter att göra i Vorarlberg
Otto Lilja –